“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” ~~William Morris
Welcome to my cozy little spot on the Web. If you’re going through a divorce or are
recently widowed, then grab a cup of tea and spend a little time with me. I invite you to
look around my Web site and read stories about other women. Their stories are as unique
and individual as they are. Hopefully you will find one or more that you can relate to and
draw inspiration from. What one woman can survive, another woman can also—but we can
all benefit from a little help through the process.
As a Transitional Designer for Women, I combine over twenty years of interior design experience with ten years’ experience as a life coach. My unique specialization is working with women who are going through major life transitions by helping them make sense of their “new normal” (the life coach part) while creating a home that supports them through the process (the interior design part).
Even under the best of circumstances, selecting paint colors or fabrics can be intimidating. Sorting through our belongings, deciding what to keep and what to let go of is difficult for most of us. Suddenly being faced with the task of making these decisions and changes in the midst of a major life transition is overwhelming. Helping women gain clarity to make changes that promote healing and moving forward brings me joy and satisfaction.
Please contact me if you would like to set up a consultation. We can schedule a time to talk by phone or in person. I’ll explain the process and fees and answer your questions during our consultation.
Thanks for visiting.
P.S.—Please check out an article that I recently wrote for the Richmond Times-Dispatch: “Finding Joy in Guiding Women through Transition after a Loss”.